10 Must Have WordPress Plugins Many Industry Experts Have Dreams of

July 12, 2017
Well, not exactly like wet dreams coz they are bound to be nonsensically pointless or pointed at times, depending upon who the expert might be! Instead, these WordPress plugins are the reason behind many people suffering from nightless sleep. (I don’t believe in sleepless nights, as the people not sleeping in night are bound to get some sleep, and the latter doesn’t provide the necessary information, just like the content on your site).
Just kidding, but, how do you do that without getting caught? Setting with the Boss? I need your number, now!
So, coming back to the point? No, no!
Coming back to the topic at hand? Again no!
So, following up with the most important WordPress plugins for your website, this article will tell you all about the popular WordPress plugins along with their internal workings to impart a whole new level of functionality to your site. (Saying this feels a lot safer than before, doesn’t it?)
Embedding these naughty little babies to your devil’s belly kind of a website is easy which in turn works as a swing to help a seeker reach heaven from purgatory. (Bro, didn’t get it? Read Dante, instead of wasting time and numerous other resources of the Earth)
These WordPress plugins are best in satisfying each one of your geeky desires including, website speed, SEO, website security, etc. There are a little over 47000 plugins on the official WordPress plugin repository, great news? Well, I wouldn’t be so sure about it. As more the number of plugins, the lesser is the feel to provide quality supplements for the nutrition process of your site to take place.
(Fun fact: The same thing happens with your content writer when all you crave for is the number of words, not the quality! You can see that he is bound to be sleepy after all the hectic task of reframing words and the mediocrity of making them sound non-mediocre all the time! My heart goes for you little fellow as you and I share the same fate!)
The employers need not to worry as one of us would always be here to help them get through the good ones and skip the bad ones. Today, it’s me who is going to take one for the team.
Among all the 47,000 plugins, it’s almost daunting to select the final 11. (Trust me; it’s much more challenging task than selecting the cricket team for the Champion’s Trophy final. Did you see how they failed? Well, I’ll try not to replicate the same)
So, let’s get on with it! Shall we?
1.) Yoast SEO
Yoast provides a WordPress SEO plugin which can make all other SEO tools go back to the illusionary hole that they crawled out of. It facilitates user with the necessary facilities for optimization i.e. adding titles and descriptions to your posts. Apart from these two, it also allows a user to add or open metadata, perform page analysis, publish XML sitemap of your website, which otherwise seems pretty far-fetched while using other such tools. The installation process of Yoast SEO is no code breaking gimmick, that’s why it is highly recommended for the laymen. Also, it’s FREE to use which is a major turn on if you ask me. Nah, you can thank me later!
2.) Jetpack (FREE)
Jetpack is a powerful tool designed by the creators of WordPress themselves, and also, it is free. Jetpack offers plenty of features to exploit namely, site security and performance tool, content management tool, visitor track and engagement analysis, etc. Jetpack automatically shares your published content with the search engines to make it easily crawled by the spiders.
3.) Hummingbird
Hummingbird is like a little bird telling you how to fly (i.e. keeping your content on the top) and when to keep your head down (i.e. minimizing your code using various compression and merging techniques). It works on the basis of page caching which in turn helps your website to load faster and, as you know the faster, the better. It’s not free like the above tools, but it’s worthy of your money.
4.) W3 Total Cache (FREE)
W3 Total Cache is created to help a designer decrease the overall page load time of a WordPress website. It uses the caching mechanism to improve the page load speed which in turn refines the user’s overall experience. According to Google, an average visitor wouldn’t want to spare more than 2-3 seconds of his precious time waiting for your website to load. If your site doesn’t fit the criteria mentioned above, then, believe me, you wouldn’t last even for a single second in the ever-changing world of Internet. And guess what? Your website wouldn’t even get a chance to load as the window frame is too short to allow safe passage for your Mammoth website.
(Remember the ancient story of girl waiting for her prince charming in a window, let’s suppose you managed to hitch a horse (server) and somehow reached under her window(user’s location) but to climb the steps and taste the sweetness of romance with her (user engagement), requires someone who is um less fat maybe?)
W3 Total Cache helps you climb the stairs (SERP positions) and provides a smooth passage of your website through that window as well.
5.) Akismet
Akismet is an anti-spam plugin which provides you with the necessary filtration of the comments. As a blogger, you might already know the significance of comments on your posts, and, I do not intend to go back to the basics again. But, there are several people out there, and, when they see an empty comment section, they just cannot contain their urge to fill it up with their pretty neat gimmicks of blog commenting to help their “unimportant” website gain top position in searches. You’d never want that, right? I mean, why should you allow such nonsense at your safe abode? Also, you’re doing us a favor by filtering out the ham from the spam.
Using the Akismet moderator, you control the flow of comments on your website. Only the approved content will appear in your website’s comment section. How cool is that? With Akismet plugin, you can control people’s minds! Well, not exactly like minds, but, words at least, which is pretty much the same thing. Also, you can shut down the blabbermouths who claim to be the only authentic and number one in providing literally anything and everything on the internet. Akismet plugin can help you with numerous tasks such as viewing the number of approved comments for each user; filter the suspicious links by scanning URLs of every comment, etc. And to top it all, it’s FREE to use on personal sites, whereas, corporate have to subscribe to its monthly or yearly plan. (Don’t you think commercial sites deserve this treatment after all their nonsensical gimmicks in selling their unnecessary “essential” products to us? Well, I do!)
6.) Google XML Sitemaps (FREE)
You must have heard about XML sitemaps and how they help your website to rank higher in the search index of the spiders, namely, Bing, Google, Yahoo, etc. (Honestly, I didn’t, not till now! But, you’re not an ignorant person like me, so I can trust you with the basics, right?)
So, once you activate the Google XML sitemap plugin, it automatically generates the XML sitemap for your website making the indexing thing whole lot of easier than before. For the novices like me, an XML sitemap enables the search engine spiders to view the complete structure of your website and retrieve the results before the blink of a human eye.
7.) BackupBuddy (Not FREE)
You surely wouldn’t want the romance to stop in a midway between your site and the user, so, in the case of a technical fault or lights out, what would you do first?
Light a candle, right? But, imagine you don’t have any candles left at home, now what? (PS: I’m afraid of the dark if you are not already then watch lights out in your nearest theatre, then only we’ll talk about it!)
So, the BackupBuddy is your candle, which, automatically backup your site’s data according to a fixed schedule of your liking. Make sure to install the BackupBuddy plugin to ensure the longevity of the romance between you and your client. If you’re a person who has a certified curriculum in moving on, then, it’s probably best for you as it allows safe and easy migration of your content to another server.
8.) WPForms
WPForms is the best way to extract the most intricate piece of details from your user. It encompasses an easy drag and drop feature which facilitates you with a various number of important things, namely, contact forms, order forms, email subscription forms, payment forms, etc. It is free for the basic uses, but if you are a pro guy (that I am sure you are) then, you can go for the paid version as well.
9.) Floating Social Bar (FREE)
You’re paying big bucks to your SMO guy or girl, right? Why don’t you put them to some “real” work, instead of posting some gibberish and “unprecedentedly cool” social media hashtags or slogans? Feel me yet?
Floating social bar lets you add important social media marketing networks to your website which otherwise impart a heavy load to your website.
10.) AdSanity (FREE)
You are done making a breathtaking website with all the functionalities but how do you plan its smooth functioning if you lack the necessary funds?
You got me! (Feeling smarter yet? Don’t! Because the heading must have already told you this much; in case it didn’t then you already know what I meant.)
AdSanity plugin is a tool to add “sane ads” (as per the name suggests) to your website. The mechanism to do so is easy, just like adding a post. It comes with the shortcodes and widgets to display ads in posts, sidebars, and, pages. You can create either infinitely running or time-based ads depending upon the amount of money you are making. It also helps you manage your ad campaign better by tracking the views and clicks on the particular ad.
The Conclusion (Also FREE)
So, that’s that! We hope that we’ve covered everything related to the most popular WordPress plugins. If you think that something was still amiss or some points were really to the point (which is mostly the case) then, make sure to drop your valuable feedback in the comment section.