July 30, 2020
Do you think- what changes my website speed does? You will probably understand when we address the question- What happens when your website is not fast?
- The decrease in page views
- Increase in bounce rates
- No conversion rates
- The decrease in customer trust
So a one-second delay in page loading can cost you more than you think. Naturally, increasing your page speed becomes essential. Many websites miss out on this which makes them worry later- what happened to my business despite having an online presence. Having an online presence is as easy as getting candy from the store. But what makes the website work?
Along with focusing on a responsive design for your business site, you need to concentrate on adopting features and techniques that take care of the page speed. Let the best website designing company in Delhi help you out in this!
A fun fact!
If your website takes more than three seconds to load, most of your customer’s exit without even knowing your brand name.
Listed below are proven techniques to increase your site speed. Make sure your website is error-free, fresh, and updated. It should not take the users to the Error 404 page! You certainly don’t want your customer to have a bad experience on your page, just because your page takes more time to appear. It is found that 16% of customer satisfaction is lost when the website takes a second more for loading. Before getting into optimizing your page speed, let us identify why the website delays in the first place.
- Server load time
- Image size
- Number of Redirects
These are the common issues, a website faces. Want to know how to overcome them?
Choosing the right host
Many a time, the site owners buy a cheap hosting service. While this may be enough at the beginning, once your site starts attracting more traffic, you need to upgrade it to better hosts and better plans. A dedicated server, VPS hosting, and Shared hosting are the available options for you. Now you have to decide which option suits your business the best. Each type has its own merits and demerits. While the Dedicated server has more space and good server speed, it may require complex technical setup.
Minimizing HTTP requests
A web page takes time in downloading different elements of a page like images, content, etc. Each element requires a unique HTTP. Time gets wasted here. You can easily identify how many requests your site makes by using Developer Tools of the browser. Remove all the unnecessary components and pages. This way you can optimize your page speed.
The larger your files, the slower your page loads. Yes! To reduce the web page’s delay, try to compress your files. This is one of the easiest methods to increase the speed of your business site. Gzip is the standard practice adopted for compression of files and components your website contains.
Plugin testing
Reduce the number of plugins. This may sound silly, but plug-ins have a huge impact on the loading speed. Test your plugins for their speed and performance. Plug-ins help us to increase user experience, customize the sites, explore more functions, etc. But do you know? They have a major disadvantage. Too many plug-ins installed can reduce speed. Besides causing delays in loading, they also initiate technical hassles and security concerns. So try to keep the number of plug-ins at the minimum level. If you can do a task manually, don’t rely on plug-ins.
Apart from these best techniques, we also have many other energy boosters which may help you in optimizing your page speed.
- Always keep an eye on mobile loading speed
- Try to reduce external scripts
- Redirecting is not at all friendly. Avoid it
- Install CDN- Content Delivery Network
- Keep your coding simple
- Align CSS and JS appropriately
Your website is the face of your business online. So it should have a speedy look. The users should feel energetic while working on your site. So you need to generate the energy too. Make use of the above techniques and optimize your page speed. Happy site speeding! You can always get the best website design in Delhi for your business from the leading website designing company in Delhi.